that kind of music - that's the kind I like.

I want to hear symphonies written with Alibini riffs - like instead of the rock opera - so it's opposite the 70's - just awesome guitar riffs that sound like Albini composed as a huge symphony - not a guitar symphony like Branca or Chatham, it's not about layering guitars like violins - and it's not like what Hunter's doing cause those are short form. This would be long form - more hardcore kind of riffs. Like sleep, but short riffs woven like counterpoint, that makes sense, right? I also think Alibini riffs sound good on toy piano. There is something really funny to me about that. I like this idea cause it's all the "uncool" things, There is no pinball wizard here, but then maybe that is what would be cool - a video that was more straightforward (with a twist like that last thing I did where the static objects are moving pictures - make fun of an "everyman" play from the middle ages and each character is a silhouette with an assigned moving image - get all captain America and incorporate 70-'s rock - earth wind and fire saving the world or something... then why not* get ham fisted and make a polluted environment to be projecting on...) It could be like a bad/AMAZING physical/auditory thing - structured chaos. I use cool meaning popular. Weird that I am doing that cause it doesn't mean the same thing in the real world as it did in high school. I'm imagining an animation like that video I did where all static objects are moving picture or something. Anyway that would be my dream music and I just thought of that video. COOL. There would have to be subtitles though - they would be funny.

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