why not?

I have had ideas similar to this - why isn't my music being played by a band of teddy ruxpins?
seriously, why?

happy x-mas.

(tropical tundra...)

I never do this, but...

I love colbert, but... that isn't the way to indicate 3 easy payments... mr.colbert, may I work for you?


more than a day or so on alt rock comparisons.... I doubt that you are on the edge of you seat...
but this is surprising, right?

alt rock comparisons to come in a day or so...

p.s. these sorts of questions bother me - it's the same answer even if I forget to subtract...


SO I finally took my own advice and this is mono, so, if you listen to it on headphones, you wont want to murder me...  unless my music makes you angry in which case, I can do nothing.

not that I want to join the grammar police, but...

really?  who is hiring these people and why am I still unemployed?!?

more on voicemail...

who leaves a voicemail just asking if you are there?
that's not a helpful voicemail.  let me know what the call is in reference to otherwise you frighten me because it seems like you don't understand how voicemail works...

picture squared.

not a cropping thing, a not wanting to overtly reference "picture in a picture" in the title.

on insanity.

things that make humans insane - the inability to exercise natural urges, and, in the absences or thwarting of that inability, a lack of privacy to cope with the disappointment.

why no accent?

due to the lack of accent marks in the english language, I vote that improper capitalization does a good job.


p.s. can we all agree that using "sunny day real estate" for Henrietta's music choice in last night's episode was VERY surprising?!?

not really enough to go on...

been getting a lot of voicemails that are just "Hi is Michelle there?" Not really enough to go on...

how is this possible?!?

how is that possible that those are the only options for areas of study?  I selected driver.  explain this to me if you can...

more relations...

"tonight tonight" and "disarm" are also clearly related, right?

sound advice.

"go kill yourself, hell is free."  sound advice if you never want to amount to anything.

frightening times...

scariest voicemails in the universe - the ones that talk to you about credit cards you didn't sign on for.

if you are a prospective employer or friend...

please leave me a voicemail if I do not answer the phone!  I am more than happy to work but wary of answering unfamiliar numbers. 

thanks in advance,
Michelle Scourtos

It's morbid but tautologically accurate.


One annoying comment: people always say if you drink alone it is a problem - I disagree with that because I have ended up making out with balding midget accountant trolls due to drinking in the company of others - bigger problem than drinking alone because I am stressed out about my life.

confusion by text

here is the thing about the job search that blows my mind - you sign up to find job listings and get telemarketing calls to purchase a degree that will not ensure a job  - WTF?


life is weird - ice pix came with a large enough slot to make a necklace... now you either need a tool or 11 dollars + chain (I guess plus chain in ay event) WEIRD.


More edited footage over me on guitar.  I COULD TOTALLY BE A CAB DRIVER IF YOU HAVE AN IN!!!

Sound of Gain.

me on guitar.  edited footage of florida from a few days ago.

the speed of rain.

are there new writers?

new southpark is as hard to get through as lice capades...
The baldwin bits are funny...


taylor swift song is catchy.

I put my face there because that is who will be next to you if you know of a job that will pay me to beat match like that... eh?


If Only...

small collage I finished today.

I have a MONSTER friend crush

on the person responsible for this:

Night Vision.

all is explained in the link:
a video

not to be too sappy, but...

that could have been kinda sweet if I had someone I liked there with me...


here is a SUPER tasteless idea:  Liquor commercial featuring a slave ship implying that slavery was a drunken idea using the white man's burden as narration.

I want to meet the dude who says...

"yeah, my musical career has been like having to settle on your 2nd choice mail order bride and double date with your first from time to time..."

more on bruce...

I think we should call the art movement related to Bruce High Quality "Modern fragmentation"


never really put cucumbers in the category of "things to be opened" before.

It's official!

I can make Vindaloo with ease.

another reference to the sleep that does not refresh...

I just took an involuntary nap and the dream was exclusively me trying to open my eyes but being unable to.


WOW - this took a REALLY long time to put together - Planet of sound.


I was so excited that that was a miniature organ for a second.


"Total Eclipse of the Heart" Bonnie Tyler and Dance remix versions combined.  Footage of Florida, jumping fish from youtube, drop drawings.

body of christ...

has a cracker company made an actual size jesus yet?


Total Eclipse of the heart remix and original condensed.  From youtube.  REAL corresponding video to follow SOON.  Been meaning to do this FOREVER.

habanero burger...

habanero burger that I make changes my perspective on life for an hour or so…

that was exactly

what I had thought and wanted to get a few years back.

Speed Dating.

small collage finished today.


when I was a kid, someone said that wealth would be measured in space in the future - bad idea.  wealth ought to be measured in autonomy.

dire times.

look - I can organize a closet too if you don't like my music and art...  unemployment makes children out of us... maybe just me, who knows.  seriously, credit card companies need to be STOPPED.  makes those jobs gov't job placement jobs, SERIOUSLY!
make* (not makes) I need to be stopped and forced to read what I write before publishing...


small collage.  today.


small collage finished today.

Down Winded

small collage I finished today.