can't choose.

should be obvious, but, it is not.

whoa. putting built to spill-y song on hold

I just started writing a completely non-goth 80s song.
we'll see how that goes.  collaging continues.

juvenile humor:

1st person: Just try to stay positive.
2nd:  Dude, I am.  I am 100% positive that this sucks.

three remixed versions of track.

new recording and re-recording for new versions this week.

pizza box stuff happening too.

all of these links take you to the same page.

new dream...

enormous (10+ canvases) and butcher paper for collages.

one day.

Having said that, back to the pizza box tomorrow.

recording/video/computer/bike equipment still total necessity - huge dream.

I just figured out what I like about toy portraits:

It's like the parts in roger rabbit where the tunes are in the real world.

triumph of the day

I did not make the thumb though.  Thank you to Elyanna.

riding the cave

(a blip)
so yeah, I guess the long term project is working on cathedral surf metal.
like just SUNN O))) w/out the amp and surf rock picking and maybe less maybe more song structure.
I guess my contribution is surf rock picking. heh. thanks dad.
working on something newer and "meaner" (nothing I ever do ever actually sounds that mean.  I am all bravado.)

other strain...
just wrote a more horror - esque riff, less angry more built to spill-y.
that's the other way to do modern surf rock, yeah?
cool times.  a few days that recording will be posted.

a little "dark"

a little "dark"

sterile not feral...

more sterile. 

want to totally redo with distortion next week.

objectivity is a modern day unicorn if we continue on a path where private education reigns supreme

I was revisiting "the metaphors we live by"  and thought I would post a point that has been incubating in my head since college...  I want to make clear that I am strongly in favor of the early pragmatists and the western understanding of reason and logic and this is just a first thought and it doesn't say too much more than what I already said in my thesis...  The last bit seem a little out of place, but, it is a related idea that I usually think is a little to frivolous for a paper.

objectivity is defined as that which:

...allows us to to rise above personal prejudice and bias, to be fair, and to take an unbiased view of the world.  To be objective is to rational; to be subjective is to be irrational and to give in to the emotions.

This is somewhat problematic to me because every reaction is a product of experiences which are unique to the individual. A ridiculous and almost unrefutable self defeating argument is that a propensity for reason is a bias itself therefore an unbiased position is impossible, but that is not my position at all.  Considering this position, the social contract is just that we all agree to a set of logic, which is what I found comforting and exciting about the early pragmatist, and an unwillingness to do so is an invitation out of the society. The reason I believe that this is such a crucial point, which really does necessitate the abolition of private education, is that biases and prejudices are a result of differing experiences due to the way the world treats an individual and the opportunities that have been available.  An unbiased position would have to take into account every differing stimulus or rationale for behaviors (in a cause and effect sense) and would lead to different outcomes for different individuals carrying out the same actions based on these circumstances, available information, and actions that might possibly be carried out.  This means that sentencing is not necessarily based on actions but rather must take into account all underlying reasons for the action itself.  It then becomes a society of second chances if we do not universalize access and uniform education. This makes me attracted to a form of facism since I just might think that that is one of the only ways to enforce a rational court of appeals.  Democracy is in someways a fantastic vehicle to come to such a social understanding in that it gauges the perspective and allows for myriad possibilities for a life to be lived under various circumstances with alternative stimuli and information.  In someways I see it as a symptom of the human need to explore since it is that desire that lead to cultural cross pollination.  I don't know, I guess I am still mulling over my thesis and all the more convinced that a lot of what is considered to be an emotional response is the frustration that appears when two perspectives seem incommensurable and the
incommensurability produces a stalemate. 

sterility breeds sincerity?

I give you the most sterile [concert hall-ish] surf rock that I can procure at this time.  going to try and make it sweet and grungier like the initial recording with new parts next week probably.

good one.

non-racially charged final solution that I have already touted but which makes more sense every day.

my no kids under a certain income level + free birth control and abortions is the most humane version of the final solution (having nothing to do with race) and, once population were controlled, would allow for better more equal education.  Just saying.  Catholics are the only problem with their "no birth control" hilarious idea - abstinence unless you can afford the kid.

I promise there will be fewer fat incompetent layabouts  under my system.

reaching new levels of tech sloth -

I should totally be using a desktop instead of a laptop to export for a few hours at a time because my lap is on fire... oh well, guess I will give my laptop a break.

really Jonsing to move out and have my own space again (which is completely normal for a 31 yr. old human to want.)

consider my discontent intense motivation to work and remain employed to support my independent living endeavor - I promise!
it's a really drowsy climate around here, a little challenging to navigate with not very much around.  I also miss being in complete control over my finances - these things are key.

Florida is weird.
no roommates because talk of babies and taste comflist is just a problem. 
(it's not that bad I am just 31 with a TINY budget in a retirement community.  I did say I wanted to retire at one point but I think I just meant go out less at night since it's hard to juggle a serious going out and work schedule unless your job is at night which is a kind of job that I have never had.)

good neon sign idea (my first)

I think that this is a good neon sign idea...

it seems so urgent in neon but it is basically a tautology since everything living dies.  Unless you have some other religious beliefs...

just stating a fact that may or may not be relevant...

this mock up  looks like it will make a good cover to me...