
So - Went to my old Prof's, Michael Brennan's, opening tonight and I had many ideas. My favorite of which is:
I was thinking of someone I knew in college - Henry Casey. Dude was/is very cool for many reasons but he used to do something that I always found really funny - he would update his live journal as though there were "fans" reading in real time to get the latest updates on his whereabouts etc. This is common place now with twitter, facebook, myspace etc. being forwarded to cell phones - I told you dude was cool, ahead of his time, but at the time, and really still now, it struck me as funny that anyone would assume the world was that interested in his/her quotidian minutiae. At this point, it seems like a given to me, and everyone who is familiar with our culture - again, dude had his finger on the pulsea - ahead of his time, so what I thought would be interesting is if someone were to completely fabricate an identity, update those pages as though s/he were real, give twitter updates revealing his/her likes, dislikes, and whereabouts, at any given moment, and s/he would remain sought after forever since they would never be found - an impossibility since they are figments of fiction to begin with. The person I first told this to said a friend of hers gave an assignment to his/her students that was similar - made them all create fake facebook aliases - but this is a bit further, create an entire persona - complete with tastes and regular hot spots who will forever remain elusive but completely current. This "entity" could even be the product of a collective/corporation - think if Bruce High Quality were a fabledliving artist instead of a dead artist who left ideals behind - if Bruce were a character of actions and agency - a current and forever hip entity - the "Barbie" of the art world - current because he's the a product of an enveloping ideal, not a static personality with dated/limited tastes. This character could be the advertising of Art with consistently relevant and current references because of it's shifting body of participants. This would facilitate/ create followers of a ghost. I like the idea - I think it would be the greatest piece ever if part of me did not believe it is already a part of the Bruce's vision, if it is not ,in the very least, more than an offshoot of that thinking. There is more but this is all I can muster at the moment - already imitating Henry Casey, with the idea that there is a live audience waiting on my thoughts/whereabouts in life and space, perfectly. godspeed.

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