New Era

Just need to figure out which parts to replace and then replace them.  Pretty sure I know.  AH!  They are as easy to remove and replace as I thought/was told they would be.  Now to finance.  argh, there is now a plastic thing missing for the speaker connection.  ARGH.  It will happen soon, slowly going to be crossing off the back log of things I couldn't get during prolonged unemployment.

They are so cute though (the tubes):

cool stuff.

I posted a piece this guy (Dan Cronin) had in a show two years ago "Eye Phone."  He has a show up at the Arts for ACT gallery and I thought this straw sculpture was also cool - reminds me of a carved cardboard chair I saw a few years back.  On the lower right of the bottom photo is a bit of a "Wax Globe" he made.  Heh, wax globe in Florida... cool stuff though.

Merry X-mas

(Those two are separate, see:)

I can't believe that the year is over already.
Winter in Florida is SERIOUS (ly hot.):

Ideas from way back when...

ice cubes.  Still not sure what I would call the installation though...
"Ice Cold" is too easy, right?

Lots to Post

Collage.  Finished today!
(Pizza Box)

slower year somehow...

Not totally sure why...
this one will be done in a short while.

I always like them in the "in between" stage like when cartoons get all psychedelic for a second.  I just don't like them MORE that way.

ok,  enough.

Things that remind me of other things.

More things that I find complimentary:

(I know there is a metallica bit that would round this out, but, can't think of it... yeah, gremlin technology, come full circle and let me hum to you.)

This IS serious.

when is technology going to catch up with my desires?  why can't I hum into my computer and it tell me what song I am thinking of.  That kind of already exists.  they need to make that consumer available and hire me so that I can buy it.

pink flamingos.

I was doing some stuff for my volunteer gig, working on photos for an auction site, and here is one I re did before I got it to the final phase.  I posted it because I thought it looked cool at this stage.

me and my buddy the giraffe.

check out me and my buddy the giraffe.

there is a collage happening in my head.  will materialize probably next week.  things should be happening.  they are.

probably not till this weekend though...

It happened again...

I have made this joke before, but, I watched this LITERALLY fall off a truck today.
I also went to my volunteer gig dressed like hipster ugly betty!
(the server was down.  I did this at a totally legitimate time - there was no way to do my job for like 20 minutes.  I went right back to work and ate at my desk.  no lunch break.  no worries.)

p.s. totally figured out how to run the online bidding at work today. back in touch with high school whiz kid roots.  It's actually just me watching tutorials on line to navigate a pretty user friendly site...  cool.

Heathers Day!

so, I went to get pizza this afternoon and then got on the bus.
A few stops later, in such a way that seems impossible, a guy got on the bus who looked almost exactly like the guy from the pizza place.  totally weird.  I thought, must just be a coincidence, but, then he asked if anyone had a pen.  While going through my bag, poked the pizza box I was taking home and asked if I worked there, the way the dad and the son in "heathers" ask each other the opposite questions and reverse their dialogue.  I feel like I had a weird life moment, but that is only if I am right.  WEIRD.

there was a flyer for a "techno party" so I tapped this on my pizza box all the way home!


 I know.  I am a child.  Waking up at 4 am to copy edit.
still need tubes for my amp.  I know.  life is hard.  I know.

not funny!!!

just thought this cloud was cool.
(I moved too fast and I will never have that moment again...)

still practicing

many things.   when does doing things stop being practice?
deep, right?
(no mix.)

that is still a talking point?

I usually tune out the O'Reilly in the living room, but, I caught a talking point that I can't believe is still being made equating abortion with infanticide.  I refute (as I did 14+ years ago):  life beginning at conception is a catholic belief and therefore has no place in legislation.  Calling abortion INFANTicide is equating a fetus with an infant.  Not the same thing.  feticide, sure.

totally terrible - funny as "joke"

(also funny/terrible b/c odds of selling pill to generate larger profit go way down with that price...)

p.s. phew - price to be lowered.  point made?


will try another shot in the day light.
I finished this tonight. (collage)
no flash, lo res, but less reflective:

done soon.

Dragging my heels.

dragging my heels.

non sequitur of the day

I can totally get raw beans the consistency of canned now.


basically a hostess cake

no cake mix.
wow.  I have to move out on my own but saving for the commute + bike repair is SLOW.
slow climb out of comfortable hole.
(I also now have an all white outfit that does not include keds.)

oh look

I wrote an emo intro.

All Over the Map (from a bed)

will actually record the audio properly at some point in the future, just came up with it this afternoon 

and thought it was cute.


did this today.

(collage finished shortly.)

procrastinating drawing a car.

who procrastinates leisure activities?

old chalk sequence

sequenced a bunch of chalk drawings I made with pia howell a few years ago.  I wanted to watch it again this afternoon and realized I must never have uploaded it.  I couldn't find it on my drive so I re-sequenced them this evening.

I saw this on my facebook feed...

and thought of the south park episode and just HAD to do this.
Please help me get a job so that I can move out?  Being this broke living at home at my age is MISERABLE.  Ok, miserable might be overstating.  I know it could be worse, but, still.  It's the lack of adult level income even though I went to school and having to live with my mom and stepdad that is making me feel so stifled and ridiculous.  It is an overwhelming sense of failure but at least it isn't a homeless shelter. (fear of over staying a welcome but also trying to maintain quality of life.)

this is like the "real" version

of my old matte black mini cooper

My old car was the modern emulation of this.  (though, it was matte black because of a burnt junker that I saw.)

this is from like 2010/2011

never posted.  it was quick.


Not a can.  Not a mix.
woot, right?
(I am totally looking for a job - I made contact with a local temp agency but need a weeks worth of bus fares plus a tube cushion and a replacement spoke before I am "on call")
genuine efforts being made.

This is why I always say that we have to establish a hierarchy of values,

then you can say that someone is definitively wrong rather than just expressing a difference of opinion. As I see it, opinionated differences are symptoms of an underlying difference in valuation systems.

Off Track (On Time)

finished today.

will work on more music in the next bit.

If I had the skill set of Ron Muek...

This would be my dream large scale piece.
It is called "sculpture garden."

(I'll have more wistful ideas again soon...)


coming along nicely.
from far away with low pixel documentation, that iceberg looks a bit like an owl...

I have been trying

to get these to go into each other (in my head) for awhile.


yeah, most awesome businesses are totally pen and paper based. no stamps, paper airplanes bro.

a lot of time on facebook.

(scourtos (me) on right)
I bet that I am not the first person to have done this.

leather jacket teepee (an idea from 2008)

an idea I had in 2008 that I never posted but still think about:

a teepee made of leather jackets bought from a used clothing store.

tame joke.

negative imagery:


same rules, just, spell to sound.
I did this a few years ago upstate.  don't still have that phone so re-did cause I missed the photo.
exciting, right?
This scrabble methodology was inspired by friends I had in highschool who would allow an egg to be placed on the board in front of the word cream to make "egg cream" 

any help getting out and self-sufficient is welcome and appreciated.