damien hirst should not be feuding with teens
video games emulating the terrible part of life
I shouldn't have gotten so cocky about acing all those dilettante classes. yeah, they were HIGH marks, but where am I now?
I want to hear the musical love child of ramos and fox
Marriage may be the castration of the american male, but it is also the indentured servitude of the ugly american woman.
if the us wants to remain a sovereign state...
infinite discontinuity
infinite discontinuity : I wrote this "poem" two years ago when I was at WNYC for a month - unpaid. They didn't hire me. SIGH. I remembered this song though, nice.
decadent. art project
exercise balls double as great drum practice pads
punk is a recession creator
lawnmowers in space
is apple killing the music industry
why warhol's brillo boxes make you feel smarter
taking advertising to it's expected ends
g-mail, you never cease to amaze me.
to aspire to inspire
EXCEL to the music
"King Me" & "King Me Again"
on things that are awesome but kind of disgusting
could someone please tell me
The Phaedrus is very good
It is about what you WANT to do. NOT what you could do
Again, those who are in love consider the damage they did to their own interests because of their love and the services they have performed and, adding in the labor they have put in, they think they have long since given return enough to the objects of their love; whereas those not in love cannot allege neglect of their own interests because of it, nor reckon up their past labors, nor put blame on quarrels with their relatives.
I'm not in love, but I think I get the sentiment at the moment.
gross misuse of medical technology
I hate him
getting into it. I really am.
getting "into" it. Here is the thing, you can hype yourself up, really I mean to say psych yourself up for things, but, ultimately, it's the things that capture you in resting position that you are really drawn to - they will always have their pull on you since, no matter how much of a "go getter" you might fancy yourself, you will inevitably want back into resting position, and those base wants will still be there, no matter how much you psyched yourself up for something else. I want to make clear that I see resting position, in this modern age of electronic media, as the thing I see as every educated person's dream: ample time to listen to podcasts, watch Colbert, and read the paper in tandem with historical accounts to fact check. Do I do this? Not nearly as often as I should, but I consider it my natural state because it is the free-est state a person of any class can partake in, it's in this state that you can really determine what you want and/or should be doing. I already wrote this speech. I need to spend more time in resting position to get some newer ideas.
up the down staircase
A state of affairs
I'm a robot
more southpark inspired...
inverse music nazi
being lucky that your mom loves you...
On becoming the old weirdo eating the smelly lunch
why aren't I 5 and why aren't we playing band geography?!?