$400 million is a sh*t ton of money for these projects considering how depressed the economy is. I am no expert but it seems like we could easily readjust or rebuild the currency so that it goes a long way, and quickly. We are already in a loan crisis - we have set up the afghan gov't to be in debt to us and possibly decide to snub us and not respond to our infrastructure and therefore not repay debts. this is a huge mess that we never should have started in the first place... I was all for returning those who fled in the 70's and reinstating pre-shria law gov't if we were going to meddle at all. yikes. The afghan wealthy class just flees to Dubai, at least they did in 2002, so why funnel more money that is going to likely end up in the emirates? I don't get it, but I guess we want to strengthen arab vegas - if you say so.
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