still musing over spike jonze's bit

at the end of the Jackass. something stick with you - that was definitely one of them. so awesome.

the boys club

There are dues, sure, but even more importantly there is a level of comraderie and like thinking that supercedes everything else. Language is important, first and foremost, and the more creative you get with it, the more you belie your starting point. Which is great to experience, but only with those who understand your references.

whiteliberal on whiteliberal violence

brainfart that should have been produced in 03' or 04' but I didn't know how nor could I afford the equipment back then... Mclusky.

this kind of motion is so easy and cheesy looking - I'm sorry, it's just a throw away idea or I'd clean it up... promise.


vimeo link

haldol, another human injustice.

what the psychiatric community does to people is completely inhuman: list of side effects alone is enough to make me sick.

$400 million to Afghanistan...

$400 million is a sh*t ton of money for these projects considering how depressed the economy is. I am no expert but it seems like we could easily readjust or rebuild the currency so that it goes a long way, and quickly. We are already in a loan crisis - we have set up the afghan gov't to be in debt to us and possibly decide to snub us and not respond to our infrastructure and therefore not repay debts. this is a huge mess that we never should have started in the first place... I was all for returning those who fled in the 70's and reinstating pre-shria law gov't if we were going to meddle at all. yikes. The afghan wealthy class just flees to Dubai, at least they did in 2002, so why funnel more money that is going to likely end up in the emirates? I don't get it, but I guess we want to strengthen arab vegas - if you say so.

fabric inch worm


field of docile alien hitlers

lost in translation...

thought of a dark turn of events to solve this problem - import foreign doctors with translators... when translation time lags between surgeons... patient has been "lost in translation" awful topical humor about a real problem...


a detonate button

it's like installing a detonate button on your body - cruel and unusual punishment of the western world.

I have a decent ear

hire me please?!?

"the watch" - incredible!

wanted to see moonrise kingdom but ended up at "the watch." It was amazing. best thing since the dictator

- everytime you would normally laugh at a sci-fi comedy it became a judd apatow movie... sh*t - INCREDIBLE.

video and sound editing

video and sound editing is clearly the ideal gig - best of all possible worlds, stable existence in the sense that you have a station to work from but a revolving pool of clients who keep things interesting. The ability to maintain a steady stream of work is what makes that a frightening prospect outside of major label payroll - probably why bands don't see a high return on their albums. Thinking about those logistics, I am sorry that I ever acted like such a dick about major labels - it all makes sense but is rough to iron out.

feel like I was rerouted and this is not a real error message

"Twitter is currently down for <%= reason %>"

yeah - let's reward turning seed money into minimum wage jobs that don't pay rent on studio apartments

that's who our unemployed college grads should be voting for - that makes a lot of sense.

what is talent?

what is talent? the ability to con people into keeping you alive.
that is such an awful take on human nature. I go back and forth on whether or not I think critics are valid opinions... this speaks to that skepticism.

even more literal than

a guy named Al throwing trash on your doorstep

holy crap can this person draw

I am nothing.

2008 was an awesome year

florescent white skin

sitting ducks prototype...

paper and tape - prototype - if I could
make it large scale the image to
dimensions ratio would be very
different, it would be far more tiled
looking but my fingers are fat..


If anyone wants to commission this as a spanish style house, I'll fold it for pretty much cost - I think it would look kinda cool. or, if you want to do it yourself, I'll send you the brick "patterns."

safety not guaranteed....

"safety not garaunteed"- every worst fear was true - writing fine, acting horrible and fake outsider status directing - awful... this song is dedicated to you and your crappiness. galifinakis/ferrell movie looks great.

"and for the record, mitt was originally on key...

he outsourced many of those notes to India."
I am in love with the writers of this show.

nicest photo I've found online in a long time...

the population of estero florida

90% of the people I see here look like this:

give me a few more months and with my current level of frustration and inactivity, I'll post a matching photo of myself.

why not?

why don't we just cut our losses, call borrowing charity, and readjust prices accordingly? it's been 4 years and we are still stuck in this mess and unless we start printing currency and accept our fate, we are going to stay in this feedback loop. christ.

beady eyes for the prize.

what prize? have no clue...

it's that kind of day...

it's this kind of day
video delay makes these things hard to watching and synching is so tedious it is DEFINITELY a job, I feel this dudes pain.

n+1 - more like n+none.

terrible topical humor of the second - re: that magazine I saw advertised as being like by Facebook friends - n+1, more like N+none. yep, channeled homer simpson for no good reason since I like intellectuals. shooting myself in the foot and face at once - double barrel gun. even in my current out of shape form I can still channel my inner jock. yikes.

worst nightmare and biggest paranoid fear

since leaving N.Y. for good...

t-shirts for stunted 3 yr.old morons

what is wrong with the world? more than I have time to explain...

being an art teacher...

is being an art teacher somewhat of a backdoor way of being a visual fascist? making sure the world looks the way you want it to? I think it might be... rad job.

dumbest thing that I have seen

if not ever - in a long while.

as seen on tumblr...

awesomeness abounding.

so torn...

so torn between a defense of elitism in the sense of meritocracy but then opportunity negates that... ack...

rehashing a twizzlers commercial from the 80's

even a psycho analyst would be bored...
really slow day at the races.

phone question sent into the ether

the question - just did some fishing on my phone and it looks like my outgoing texts number and my outgoing calls number are different - I e-mailed sprint but my question was lost in translation, anyone know anything about this?

inevitability of deflation...?
Is there really a point to even expecting this debt to be repaid? If we took all print money out of circulation and put it towards this purpose it still doesn't add up, right? so why are we trying? another answer... it looks like deflation is inevitable...

more literal than calling squeaky sound of drying soap squeezed in a hand a "soap opera."

cause it's my favorite kind of humor...

MINI symphony

so I had an idea a year or two ago to make a symphony out of car horns. Didn't get around to sampling. Luckily, through the miracle of the zeitgeist, mini cooper did a commercial using their horns. With their horn samples, made my own short using footage from youtube and my animated marker drawings. Thanks mini cooper.
vimeo link:

infinite coattail riding...

made this t-shirt in 09' and in my current state of idleness, wish I still had it. Idea - photoshop my face onto a shirt Damien Hirst was wearing in said photo, print onto t-shirt, photograph myself wearing the t-shirt, send to him to photograph wearing, I do the same again, etc., ad nauseum.

here is the idea:


Forbes Thought Of The Day “ It is the mark of a good action that it appears inevitable in retrospect. ”
— Robert Louis Stevenson NONSENSE. any action that is forced is inevitable and not necessarily good...

though, I guess the quote didn't assert that any/all actions that appear inevitable are good so I am being nit picky and angst for probably no reason...