I lead the depressing life

of a socially outcast 13 year old.

I'm going to go ahead and say

That these are better than the 90's reissue version:

2013 beetle

Angry So-un

Mario Angry Sun level set to "Angry Son"

intentional typo?

yes.  too much time, too little money and freedom.

they turned me away

last spring at the career center in NY - If I believed in a higher power, I would say that it was certainly against me.  I would live in the projects ANY day to stay in NY.

christmas in Hell (it is REALLY hot)

 isn't as funny as you'd think it would be. we are too poor for me to haphazardly sprinkle the grounds with powdered sugar... so I'm fresh out of ideas.

f*ck X-mas

fall of '06

I had a ridiculous idea that is monetarily interesting the same way that hirst's diamond skull is - make a model town, cover it in coccaine for the snow.  it f*ck's with idea of value but it is super illegal so an immediate debt creator to be near.

73% off - must be some sh*tty games.

saw this in my inbox from mac "73% off hot games..." and all I will say is that games are not hot unless you are attracted to anime, which I am not.

so much time...

feel like I have an IV of robitussin going straight to my veins these days...

Hidden costs of Florida -

 Dentists due to lack of Fluoride in water and cars due to sprawl city planning.  I bet if I did a financial analysis, to maintain standard of living, the costs would be roughly the same.

aids and whining...

I am sure knowing that other people have aids doesn't make your aids ail you less, you know?

Have you read "great expectations"?

 I'm like miss havisham but instead of sitting in my room waiting for a wedding that will never come, I am in my dorm room awaiting a career that will never come.

would you trust a firm called "pyramid consulting"?

No, right?

Unless maybe if they were Egyptian...

or blonde dolphin?


trying to motivate to work on video.  TMI.  so drowsy which is the opposite of how I should feel in the wake of complete financial annihilation.

I am a strong believer

that there should be tongue in cheek porn set to this:

I love her all the time.

maybe not tongue in cheek...  honeymoon night... I need to be less bitter about life.

I hate it here.

way too old to be living with my mom and stepdad.

had a similar Idea in grad school

only I wanted to use motion sensor dildos...
it's like the end of a game when your coach makes you unenthusiastically high five the other team and repeat "good game" ad nauseum...

modified from anon gallery

I'm 5.

best and most frightening advice I got in grad school -

 if it's already happening out there, it isn't going to work if you do it.  not true absolutely, but pretty true.

This is Florida...

collage in progress.  things are moving at the speed of snails...
p.s. anyone want to come and get me?  this housing app just isn't arriving...

terrible joke:

So I know I should be doing more with my time but not having this housing application and being stuck here is pretty awful... lots of time on Facebook.

Anyway, some kid made a terrible comment about wanting an umbrella made of heavy metals that needed to be recharged.  I asked if it would be a bad art piece about being suicidal, you could call it "The Death Dry."

does no one leave voicemails anymore?

should I start consulting the oracle?  I don't speak Greek.


also, saw this in NY missed connections and wholeheartedly disagree...
"Master of puppets probably sounds terrible on an accordian anyway - m4w"

childish thought of the day...

childish thought of the day re: war - HUGE Mr.Burns-esque magnet above war zones.  ends serious fighting.

Wednesday Addams...

I know, not what you expected to see...

"where's the green?"
I know that photos of food are stupid...
Thanksgiving for one on the 21st  - just call me Wednesday Addams...

NY womb.

a different take on the slime from ghostbusters... the womb of NY. I MISS IT SO MUCH. please housing app, please come and accept me...

holy crap

from Joe's blog:

 "I wrote two entire screenplays during the funeral precision alone. One is about an erotic thriller where I give my high school teacher Sonic the Hedgehog lessons in exchange for sex. "

holy crap is he amazing at idea having and humor.  I can't believe I was lucky enough to know him as a kid - that would be amazing. "funeral precision" - dude is awesome.

cute is a four letter word

saw that written today, liked it.
me on guitar, animated drawing, youtube footage of cliffs.


have you ever known people you thought were a million times smarter than you, and you tried to catch up, and then they posted some shit like "hard at lurk," and you knew you lost forever?  I have.  that's my "flipper" of the day.

Is it weird...

Is it weird that it saddens my heart that Blockbuster is trying to emulate the Netflix model 3-4 years too late?  Is that in the spike Jonze ikea commercial that rightfully mocks breathing life into a lamp vein?

Worst Fear

I feel this way a lot of the time.

is it f*cked up...

Is it f*cked up that the fashion pose coupled with a 1/2 burqa makes me laugh?


SERIOUSLY snotty dicks...

snotty dicks:
samantha ronson @samantharonson
Don't be mad, UPS is hiring.

I guess just be glad

you don't live here during times of natural disaster...


same bad joke since 10th grade.

for the first time, I made from scratch.  I know, please withhold the medals...

challah at your boy...

I propose an "is it legal?" app...

apple should make an "is it legal?" app for sites/offers like this that figure out the legality of a situation before you engage... that would be a USEFUL app.  I don't have anything that uses apps, but for those of you who do, I feel like you would appreciate that...
is it legal?


the words "just" and "rock band" don't belong in the same sentence unless you are using your rock band to play a cover of "just."

should be every frontman's mantra

I'm not too old for you


not to be an annoying teenager, but I am actually kind of interested in this...  There is no end to the drama that can be created by falsified online relationships - the modern answer to all those mixed up letters between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy, am I right?
mtv site

final debate

Romney is right to argue that our debt is our biggest vulnerability but he doesn't have a real plan to generate enough capital to pay it down.  I think his campaign is incredibly intelligent in that it focuses on the appropriate weaknesses currently facing the country but it conveniently forgets the factors that brought us into this position.  I have heard fewer than three real points from his side to alleviate these weaknesses and shortcomings and find, at best, short term bandaids to the woes facing the United States.  I am also wondering why the financial crisis has been largely left out of this campaign season - that makes absolutely NO sense to me.


youtube footage of plane over footage I took in brooklyn/queens.  me performing original on toy piano...


less than civilized...

Car Null

Not the most awesome thing I have ever done, but not awful.

ready to go...

dark thought of the day

here is my dark thought of the day:
legalizing prostitution might actually speed up modern survival of the fittest - smartest men, hottest women and boom - new world order.  Or it would just manifest itself as a bunch of thugs over populating the world.  The latter is probably more realistic and accurate and accounts for why it is illegal in the first place, I'm sure.


pretty awesome.  I miss New york SO much.
(though I am not so into spoilers...)

amazing 3 days in Brooklyn.

Nobody does it better...

I love this cover

On copying errors...

copying errors are the worst - makes you feel like you're going to have to bootleg your own footage in a recursive loop from editing system to editing system.  my deep thought of today.


not the greek letter, the airline company logo, looks like a shark's tooth, no?

romney on small business taxes

here is the thing - yes, raising taxes might result in the depletion of small business jobs since business owners would rather take on more responsibility to sustain their lifestyle (unfortunate fact of reality) but if that is a minimum wage job barely affording rent and the gov't could provide housing and food for that person, without their talents being exploited, what's so bad about that?

Boilermaker and Jordan minnesota are similar...

revelation of the day.

calling the wooden ones gourmet is kinda funny...

"gourmet" drumsticks...

why having a supportive position in life is necessary.

of course it was and yet, the older I get, I seem to be more susceptible to conspiracy theories- I've been told that I failed tests that I OBVIOUSLY passed... "Leading the charge of what were quickly dubbed the “B.L.S. truthers” was none other than Jack Welch, the former chairman of General Electric, who posted an assertion on Twitter that the books had been cooked to help President Obama’s re-election campaign. His claim was quickly picked up by right-wing pundits and media personalities." - Krugman on jobs numbers.

English teaching - awful job.

not to bear a cross from a billion years ago, but yeah, English teachers are power hungry monsters... I had one who wanted to fail me because I would have preferred a C+ in her class to doing pedantic question sheets...  1st world problems.

It's all about who you talk to - otherwise we'd all be speaking latin... am I right? pretty much...

the definition of esoteric - to come.

me improvising toy piano under a "collage" of you tube videos.

she's amazing

and reminds me why I am unintentionally funny in my own moments of desperation...

alex bag

subverting fines but bettering the economy...

this is awesome and makes me wonder - in the beginning of the article references $200,000+ fine they are trying to avoid - is this part of the reason the deficit will never go down?  we look and invest in new ways to subvert having to pay the fees from previous relationships/companies so the economy sustains but so does the deficit?  does that make sense?

why now?

what am I missing?

those are such vague terms: “constitutional order, sovereignty, and territorial and state integrity.” and I don't get what the impetus for that is NOW...

ignore it and it will go away...

that has been somewhat my working theory against sexism for the past while now. It doesn't really work, but in some ways I think it's a fairly revolutionary way to tackle the subject in that, at the very least, it makes the act of being sexist look more absurd than if it were a subject I were willing to give credence. (if that makes any sense...) I can keep asking why things are happening and let the rest of the world grapple with the question of whether or not it has anything to do with sexuality or my own shortcomings.

In any event, I used to think about the burqa a bit - during my trip to Afghanistan, I received some of the most intense stares of my life which, according to my colleagues, was a product of Afghan men not having seen woman's faced in public for so many years. I have favored the idea of having my own job so that I have more control over what I want and do not want for myself for some time, if not for as long as I can remember, and, in a weird way, I think that the burqa might be a feminist garment in that it eradicates the possibility for women to be paid and valued based on their appearance in a male dominated field. Having said that, the very idea that I women hold have to go above and beyond to thwart a man's inability to control their sexual desires is inherently sexist. Still, all the rest aside, I think there is much more than my gender holding me back from career success.

Might be awesome

might be ridiculous...

sculpt a head out of photos of the persons body...

LCD screens

are first world pain for sure...

I still don't

understand why they didn't make "fuck like the fugue" buttons...

how nice is this thing?

and my mom and stepdad want to give it away instead of to me...
first world tragedies...

not sure what to make of this...


So I read the above article and it made me think a bit...

I think what it boils down to is that there are people with great ideas who want to go to a place where those ideas are nurtured... The piece that the article isn't explicating is the fact that attractive, popular, and powerful people reside in these "hot spots" and unless your ideas are SO amazing, with enough of that magnetic muscle underneath, with an ego the size of texas, it is easy to get swept up in a zeitgeist rather than hold to your guns... That's how scenes disintegrate kinda... the kids with the good ideas might not get the most shows cause they aren't the most attractive but the ones who can pull the numbers might not be as talented and so what was once a brilliant idea becomes insipid... Maybe these are just the musings of an uncool kid with issues, but I think there is something to what I am saying...

sophomoric paragraph

Difference between E.U. and U.S. -

E.U. had ancient internal economies that were merged, the U.S. is still full of empty spec with a few major cities fueling the economy. Each new development ultimately depends on the preexisting dominant cities so when people move out west/south they are ultimately taking the fortune from the cities and gambling on the possibility of creating a sustainable economy. Europe is trying to reconcile economies that were already self-sustaining with internal hierarchies.

Thought of the day.

not shocking

at all

cruel realities...

favorite Joe Ramos quote: There's nothing funnier than stripper tears...
so rough, you pay thousands for these little detonate buttons that are sagging off of your body [if you even make enough stripping] by the time you pay them off... cruelties of existence.
cue this is a man's world...


FLORIDA SUCKS (without a car and income...)
I hear the getaway playing in my head right now...
video SUCKS but these girls have great voices.http://youtu.be/aGA9y5HaqPo

re: "white man's burden"

Re:"what man's burden" - check your theory against Darwin dude - if you believe in survival of the fittest, no one is becoming a slave for blue eyes bro.
  • natural selection selects the darker races. I don't know why my head is going there tonight, but it just is...

  • having said that, the lighter races might end up being more intellectual since that is a primitive function, right?

Watch beep in time

one of the most poignant recording moments ever...

on songs that are other songs...



is why procreation HAS to be put to a stop for at least 20 years...
life is so f*cked. there is no pleasure without the detriment of others. guilt is the universal keeper of peace, if you ask me. why isolation is dangerous as F*ck. good thing I'm completely isolated...


so I've been doing a lot of thinking in my spare time - why Jeff Koons putting basketballs in vitrines is actually kind of amazing - people put signed basketballs in vitrines as objects of value that contain value just cause someone good at the sport touched them with a marker for a few seconds or maybe played a game with them... Modern art is a lot about exploring how and why objects garner value, it's actually super smart.

what is that photo?

go - a head!

I have lost AT LEAST half of what I owned in the past 5 years...

shocking fact...

shocking fact - you can't be a tobacco user to work at the local liquor store here. shocking.
cue puritanical euphoric misanthropia



yeah - artists make shit... well done.

newest love...

newest love...

a bit flat...

too afraid to dremel it sharp in case I over shoot...

just prepared to play alone...

just a fact...

Alone in good company.

me performing an original on toy piano. orca and eel footage from youtube.

transcending? hardly.

I know that saying this is tired, but is it really possible for us to pretend to be preventing a tyrants rise to power when we install western sympathetic figure heads? I don't know... I have lost faith again in any belief that benevolence
is much more than guised and intelligent self-interest. At the end of the day, we are all just trying to ensure that we don't end up with the short end of the stick - why being an artist/musician feels noble, it's a language that transcends power kinda... right?


kind of a stretch...


about 25 degrees off I would say...

Fork Torq

windmills that defy aerodynamics...

all houses should be built to look sea worthy

that way when the ice caps melt, we have piece of mind...

meatier meteor

youtube footage of rocket failure and a horse race set to me playing an original on guitar.

great, planes...

balloon dog...

saw this guy on colbert the other day - here is the genius point that they brought up - this is being sold to the vainest class in our society - sell rich women enormous mirrors so that they are, in essence, buying themselves. I gained a new respect for this stuff... also, talk about ephemeral... new respect. Literal manifestation of beauty being in the eye of the beholder.