
thumb over phone speaker.

interconnectedness of life

So, not that you follow my posts that closely BUT that song that I wanted to mix with the satyricon song I couldn't think of...  WELL I have been listening to a truncated version of my itunes on shuffle everyday and a few weeks ago it found me, how beautiful!  I finally had some spare non-sleep time today:

and then this one came to me as well (the underlying lesson is that so many things relate to the pumpkins...)

Overgrown [Out?]

I'll take a better photo in a few days when it's settled and hung.

Most days

I feel like rip van winkle most days when I wake up.

Walking on air

what if you filled a room with small woven together strong material balloons that wouldn’t deflate and filled them with helium a few feet above the ground so that you could climb a ladder and walk/lay/roll along the top?  It’s like a ball pit and an air castle and if it’s high enough off the ground, you could walk under it...  It would rule.

Good times

this makes me wish I had made my barb wire/trash bag/fan thing.  I like it.

The amount of time you save while not changing your sheets

The earliest phase of a collage in the works... its as close to a negative number in terms of quantifying progress while still being progress...  It's in the works at least!

Human scale dog toys

The other night I stared at a battery operated dog toy for a few seconds longer than I feel like I should have... human scale dog toys should be made.  Not necessarily for use but... for use.  Artistic purposes.

Let's dialogue...

My mom was watching the documentary tonight so I did this...

10 years ago

would have been an awesome time to do this...

Dust bunny

better photo tomorrow (or soon):

if you can't sit through the long intro...

Things you learn while working at a thrift store:

country music now heavily overlaps with light club music...played by maroon 5?
I've just been out of the scene too long, my labels are out of date?!?


what about, instead of a sky light, it’s and lcd (oled) of the ground? (Or water.  You get where I’m going with this...)

Bad art short...

Bad art short:  a conversation between two people where they just string the first letter of every word together, going back and forth, completely understanding each other.

On knowing when to care...

Sometimes people say logarithm when they mean algorithm and it takes restraint not to correct them and I wonder if that’s really the way i should be spending my energy...  then I wonder why it bothers me...