
still playing live action tetris.  Terrible joke:  tinnitus the night I'll hear it.  I can't believe I typed that.  Sigh.  ::hides faces and backs away awkwardly::

Build a HUGE tree out of cymbals...

let it rain. 

(that's the idea I had when I woke up)

done, wow.

This isn't totally to scale.  It should probably be bigger but then the cymbals look even less like cymbals.  The truth is that a photoshop is useless - a model needs to be built.

anyway, for the sake of it:

Greatest night in a very long time.

So this guy came into second ACT and told me that he was building a wall of speakers as an installation for a bar.  I have wanted to so something like this before but never did.  I was excited.  He offered to let me help him.  It was a great first night!  Nothing has been officially installed, but, sick night of speaker tetris.

constant baby steps...

to complete a life.

this is the next step in an epic-ly long battle to finish a collage that I had in m head over a year ago.  Battle is the wrong word.  Wonder how much longer until it is birthed?

first batch of sapling light posts.

If you have ever wondered...

What I am thinking while staring off into space, I am probably hearing/thinking about/listening to a mash-up like this in my head, based on what I have been revisiting/heard recently:

Mini sculpture idea that I will not make...

My grandma used to have a bunch of erotic "chachkies."  whenever I saw them, I would get kinda awkward. Still, the experience stayed with me and now I am an older person myself.  idea I had at my job sorting through partial electronics:  make a little handheld sculpture of a naked male and female figure.  make them ergonomic like a video game controllers such that they would exactly, comfortably fit in your hand.  for example, the curves of the woman might mean that your thumb rested between her legs in order to have the sensation the it was properly fitting into your hand.  just an idea that came to me while heading to bed two nights ago.  these little sculptures would be useless.  the only utility would be to give you the sensation that they fit into your hand.  useless, pleasing, art?!?  is anything that is pleasing useless? probably not.

"Knaw mean?"

Continuing on my rip van winkle thread - that's how it's spelled, right?