I am no Amerigo

If I had bought this awesome chalkboard globe, I would have tried to fill in the countries on Earth, erased and re-drawn when I made errors, and titled it "I am no Amerigo."

One of the best jobs of all time:

working at a thrift store.

(A green vase placed in the center of an eye ball wreath)

more things...

that make me think of other things...

cosmic orbs

are everywhere.
(In case it isn't clear - that is a dried ball of play - doh placed on a found poster)

A gift I received:

I wonder if they were trying to call me cheesy on some level?
(it's the cheddar cheese soup in those rectangles...)

Where is the animated "eyeroll" emoji?

Why hasn't that happened yet?

Something I wrote to a dear old friend re: personal evolution that I think is pretty true...

Part of what human evolutionary distinctions are based on are the tools created/used;  I can no longer be a complete person (or at least Michelle Scourtos) without my laptop,