still practicing

many things.   when does doing things stop being practice?
deep, right?
(no mix.)

that is still a talking point?

I usually tune out the O'Reilly in the living room, but, I caught a talking point that I can't believe is still being made equating abortion with infanticide.  I refute (as I did 14+ years ago):  life beginning at conception is a catholic belief and therefore has no place in legislation.  Calling abortion INFANTicide is equating a fetus with an infant.  Not the same thing.  feticide, sure.

totally terrible - funny as "joke"

(also funny/terrible b/c odds of selling pill to generate larger profit go way down with that price...)

p.s. phew - price to be lowered.  point made?


will try another shot in the day light.
I finished this tonight. (collage)
no flash, lo res, but less reflective:

done soon.

Dragging my heels.

dragging my heels.

non sequitur of the day

I can totally get raw beans the consistency of canned now.


basically a hostess cake

no cake mix.
wow.  I have to move out on my own but saving for the commute + bike repair is SLOW.
slow climb out of comfortable hole.
(I also now have an all white outfit that does not include keds.)

oh look

I wrote an emo intro.

All Over the Map (from a bed)

will actually record the audio properly at some point in the future, just came up with it this afternoon 

and thought it was cute.


did this today.

(collage finished shortly.)