who cares - I do and I don't and I live at home, so...

I am going to go ahead and say that a body like that is as out of style as abercrombie.

artist vs. engineer

black wedding gown is a phenomenal idea.

this one rules.

fox news - just one step away from hitler barbie.

and p.s., I  hate fox news for using women with those bodies to further their agendas.  They might as well make a hitler barbie while they are at it.  someone contact mattel to create a prototype and tivo the air time please.

hitler barbie

rock n' rolaids (I did NOT come up with that.)

trying to figure out what was wrong with this photo - that camera angle makes the arm look like a steroid experiment gone terribly wrong...

I was visited in a dream last night

by people I knew in bklyn and given a thumbs up.  I feel both insane and somewhat validated.

we'll see.

we'll see
Footage of a trimmer and fireworks taken, layered, and edited by michelle scourtos.  music by michelle scourtos.  August 2014.

the hex and too raging to cheers.

are releated.
exhibit A:

re: the leather house trailer

I think it should be called "LeatherHaus"

and, my version of that guys insult at the end of that trailer was, "I will chop off your dick and throw it at you."

his is more poetic.

pavement song and a song off hardcore will never die but you will are related, will prove later.

pavement song and a song off hardcore will never die but you will are related, will prove later.


lost my nose ring so I made a new one - exciting times, right?

cool flooring...

mix black sand the way you do cement mix and polish - awesome looking floor.

it took a little over two years...

but, even though I lost A LOT of art in the move and some post, it is starting to look more like home in here... still more space for more home... I MISS NY - DO YOU SEE HOW SLOW THIS IS MAKING ME?

I thought of this in July while doing community service at the state park

they were talking about how they want to crush cans as a "chore" for delinquents.
do that in bricks and build something.  They started in trash cans so I saw a sand castle...  


job applications... shoot em dead.

I love applying for jobs: "We will take commercially reasonable measures to ensure that the Personal Information you submit to us remains private and is used only for the purposes as set forth herein and in the separate Terms of Use Agreement. " - radioshack. 

I say it is probably commercially reasonable to sell all of my information privately to private entities, but, that is just my bad guy attitude, right?

and this is the questionaire:
tell me how I am supposed to answer grassland with scattered trees with a letter?


I just made this tonight...

chainsaw kayaking

get at me if you think you are strong enough to do chainsaw kayaking.  I am not strong enough nor do I own my own chainsaw.  I know where you can rent a kayak.

body mutating - SLOWLY.

so the past few years of playing more - my left hand now has longer fingers than my right.  take that g-d.