same bad joke since 10th grade.

for the first time, I made from scratch.  I know, please withhold the medals...

challah at your boy...

I propose an "is it legal?" app...

apple should make an "is it legal?" app for sites/offers like this that figure out the legality of a situation before you engage... that would be a USEFUL app.  I don't have anything that uses apps, but for those of you who do, I feel like you would appreciate that...
is it legal?


the words "just" and "rock band" don't belong in the same sentence unless you are using your rock band to play a cover of "just."

should be every frontman's mantra

I'm not too old for you


not to be an annoying teenager, but I am actually kind of interested in this...  There is no end to the drama that can be created by falsified online relationships - the modern answer to all those mixed up letters between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy, am I right?
mtv site

final debate

Romney is right to argue that our debt is our biggest vulnerability but he doesn't have a real plan to generate enough capital to pay it down.  I think his campaign is incredibly intelligent in that it focuses on the appropriate weaknesses currently facing the country but it conveniently forgets the factors that brought us into this position.  I have heard fewer than three real points from his side to alleviate these weaknesses and shortcomings and find, at best, short term bandaids to the woes facing the United States.  I am also wondering why the financial crisis has been largely left out of this campaign season - that makes absolutely NO sense to me.


youtube footage of plane over footage I took in brooklyn/queens.  me performing original on toy piano...


less than civilized...

Car Null

Not the most awesome thing I have ever done, but not awful.

ready to go...

dark thought of the day

here is my dark thought of the day:
legalizing prostitution might actually speed up modern survival of the fittest - smartest men, hottest women and boom - new world order.  Or it would just manifest itself as a bunch of thugs over populating the world.  The latter is probably more realistic and accurate and accounts for why it is illegal in the first place, I'm sure.


pretty awesome.  I miss New york SO much.
(though I am not so into spoilers...)

amazing 3 days in Brooklyn.

Nobody does it better...

I love this cover

On copying errors...

copying errors are the worst - makes you feel like you're going to have to bootleg your own footage in a recursive loop from editing system to editing system.  my deep thought of today.


not the greek letter, the airline company logo, looks like a shark's tooth, no?

romney on small business taxes

here is the thing - yes, raising taxes might result in the depletion of small business jobs since business owners would rather take on more responsibility to sustain their lifestyle (unfortunate fact of reality) but if that is a minimum wage job barely affording rent and the gov't could provide housing and food for that person, without their talents being exploited, what's so bad about that?

Boilermaker and Jordan minnesota are similar...

revelation of the day.

calling the wooden ones gourmet is kinda funny...

"gourmet" drumsticks...

why having a supportive position in life is necessary.

of course it was and yet, the older I get, I seem to be more susceptible to conspiracy theories- I've been told that I failed tests that I OBVIOUSLY passed... "Leading the charge of what were quickly dubbed the “B.L.S. truthers” was none other than Jack Welch, the former chairman of General Electric, who posted an assertion on Twitter that the books had been cooked to help President Obama’s re-election campaign. His claim was quickly picked up by right-wing pundits and media personalities." - Krugman on jobs numbers.