
so I've been doing a lot of thinking in my spare time - why Jeff Koons putting basketballs in vitrines is actually kind of amazing - people put signed basketballs in vitrines as objects of value that contain value just cause someone good at the sport touched them with a marker for a few seconds or maybe played a game with them... Modern art is a lot about exploring how and why objects garner value, it's actually super smart.

what is that photo?

go - a head!

I have lost AT LEAST half of what I owned in the past 5 years...

shocking fact...

shocking fact - you can't be a tobacco user to work at the local liquor store here. shocking.
cue puritanical euphoric misanthropia



yeah - artists make shit... well done.

newest love...

newest love...

a bit flat...

too afraid to dremel it sharp in case I over shoot...

just prepared to play alone...

just a fact...

Alone in good company.

me performing an original on toy piano. orca and eel footage from youtube.

transcending? hardly.

I know that saying this is tired, but is it really possible for us to pretend to be preventing a tyrants rise to power when we install western sympathetic figure heads? I don't know... I have lost faith again in any belief that benevolence
is much more than guised and intelligent self-interest. At the end of the day, we are all just trying to ensure that we don't end up with the short end of the stick - why being an artist/musician feels noble, it's a language that transcends power kinda... right?


kind of a stretch...


about 25 degrees off I would say...

Fork Torq

windmills that defy aerodynamics...

all houses should be built to look sea worthy

that way when the ice caps melt, we have piece of mind...

meatier meteor

youtube footage of rocket failure and a horse race set to me playing an original on guitar.

great, planes...

balloon dog...

saw this guy on colbert the other day - here is the genius point that they brought up - this is being sold to the vainest class in our society - sell rich women enormous mirrors so that they are, in essence, buying themselves. I gained a new respect for this stuff... also, talk about ephemeral... new respect. Literal manifestation of beauty being in the eye of the beholder.

nausea. not the sartre kind. the crimes against humanity kind.

rather than build many of these things that suck a persons income dry and leaves them refinancing mortgages, they should be hiring people for good wages building decent homes with generators... at least that is what I would do... not as sexy I guess so wouldn't be profitable right? infinite frustrations. can't we just live modestly and be nice to one another? PODS. Japan has it right. personal pods with electricity, internet, cars would be cool but a decent train system is fine. no violence. stop having kids, no strain on resources means less violent crime. I am doing my part not over populating the earth. ha... if these are jokes, I barely chuckle. These are strains on the economy, the same one that can't pay me a living wage for a modest rent stabilized one bedroom in N.Y. so that I could afford train fare and hanging out. They make me infinitely FURIOUS. They are barely holding a candle to actually nice and responsible homes well built with generators. nauseating. Anyone who would prefer this to soundproofed cave townhouse in N.Y. needs to have his/her head checked. I would know - I am living in the barracks version of that sh*t currently and it is genuinely my own personal hell. It's a life of being boxed in with no autonomy unless you can afford ridiculous accessories so it's a life all about stress and bleeding you dry. modest rent for simple living spaces is the way that the world should go. If jobs paid fair wages, people wouldn't try and suck every penny out of you in ways like this. There would be less of an incentive to be a blood thirsty assh*le. INFURIATING is what places like these are. Expendable income makes life both easier and feel less binding. To suggest that someone pay most of his/her wages on living space is a recipe for disaster because it makes the individual feel caged in, helpless, and unable to see more than 10 feet in front of them as they have no nest egg and there is no end in sight. It is a garbage life. without the ability to spend and wander freely, you are living in a prison where your landlord is your warden with the ability to send you to an even worse local. This house symbolizes ALL of that and so it makes me sick to my stomach. Life doesn't have to be that way and if we fixed the pay scale, I don't think that the inclination to be a blood sucking jerk would be quite so strong. At least I would like to believe as much.

some kind of monster edit

I did purchase this, lost in one of many moves, but it's on youtube so I am not stealing...